1. Please download the Application for Exterior Alteration
2. Carefully complete and hand-sign the form
3. Upload the completed form and supporting documents
4. Follow the submission steps and submit the non-refundable application fee.
2. Carefully complete and hand-sign the form
3. Upload the completed form and supporting documents
4. Follow the submission steps and submit the non-refundable application fee.
You must submit the supporting documents listed below for this application to be processed if they are applicable to your application. If these items are applicable and not submitted, this application will be delayed and could be denied:
- Total dimensions of the proposed project, if applicable, include square footage
- A complete list and description of materials to be used, including manufacturer, color, and model
- If applicable, plat showing property boundaries with the area of the proposed alteration drawn on it
- If applicable, diagram, elevation, and/or illustration of the proposed project
- If a contractor is completing work, copy of contractor’s work license and certificate of insurance.
Additional items that may delay or be cause for denying your application:
- Your account balance is not paid to date
- All homeowners on the Deed did not electronically sign the application
- Uploaded documents are not legible or not compatible
- Required documents referenced above were not provided
- If a contractor is being used, their insurance or bond is not up-to-date and/or the contractor's license is not valid
- Submission and payment of this application is not permission to start nor does it guarantee approval. You must wait until the volunteer Board of Directors or their designated committee review and make a decision regarding your application.
- If you are using a contractor, you must submit proof they are licensed and insured.
- All construction costs for this project are the responsibility of the homeowner.
- All future maintenance costs are the responsibility of the homeowner including repairs. For example, if a tree falls from the common grounds the homeowner is still liable for the repair costs even though the tree did not fall from the homeowner’s property.
Please carefully read the Terms of Service before completing your order.